The gardening season is upon us once again and I always find that the soil has a tendency to stain your hands, which only a scubbing brush will remove. As I had acquired quite a number of bars of Aloe Vera soap I decided the combination of Aloe Vera and an exfoliating felt scub was just ideal for those gardeners hands this Spring.
Spring shoots 1 Spring shoots 2

1 comment:
Such beautiful soaps! Isn't it amazing what the fibers will do. I was glad you posted your blogspot again. Have had a wicked couple of months with doc trying to regulate medication - one day am so anxious all I want to do is cocoon, the next am so in a fog all I "can" do is cocoon. And through it all have had short term memory loss - and couldn't remember your wonderful blogspot. How are the rennovations coming? With your inspiration I finally got mine made - and after struggling with signing in, got a gmail addy so I CAN sign in at will. Am only 62 - shouldn't be having so much trouble with brain chemistry. No Alzheimers in family history that we know of, and doc isn't even considering it - but troubles seem to run in family. Daughter who is 37 having terrible headaches and bouts of memory loss for 3-4 days at a time. Docs scanning her during episodes - still can't diagnose. Not fun while raising 4 active boys. Anyway - looks like light at end of tunnel, and am thankful for patient, understanding employer. So glad to "see" your blog again - will put the link on mine.
Hugs, and happy rennovations!
Elaine Rutledge,
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