I thought I'd keep with the felting theme as I long to get back to my creative felting but as you will see below, things are rather hectic at the moment. I have just over one week to go before all of the decorating upstairs has to be complete. Just the skirting boards to paint today and then hubby will paint the floors at the weekend. Next week will see the big removal ( and I mean BIG) of all of our stock and office upstairs into the two rooms. This will leave the two rooms downstairs empty for my daughter Jay, hubby Ryan and my beautiful 1 yr old grand-daughter Molly to move into next month. Artist's University courses are so expensive these days so they need to pay off their student loans to get on the housing ladder, hence mum to the rescue.
At the moment I'm trying to juggle the business and decorating and don't have much time for anything else. I've put my name down to exhibit at a new textile and fashion fair in Lincoln University on Saturday 26th May and am so busy sorting two boxes of 1920's costume I bought on Wednesday. There is a superb black and white shawl with a pattern of velvet roses and long tassels. In a way I hope it doesn't sell as I would love to felt the centre which has a few pinprick holes in it. Perhaps this will put the dealers off it ---fingers crossed.
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